Kill Your Lover (2023)   |   209 Views

A poisonous relationship body horror with a punk edge! When Dakota tries to break off her poisonous relationship with Axel, it starts transubstantiating him into a monstrous critter. He gradationally succumbs to the bane of the decaying relationship, getting a critter with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he’s contagious.

Kill Your nut( 2023)

Release Date Oct 12, 2023

Country United Kingdom

Language English

Genre Horror

Cast Paige Gilmor as Dakota Shane Quigley Murphy as Axel May Kelly as Rose Joshua Whincup as Ricky Chloe Wigmore as Carol Eva- Marie Kung as Red Rachael James as Ash Joanna Lusua as Vee Lauren McConville as Krissy



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